Monday, May 17, 2010

FAQ - Potential Outcomes – Initial intake of Celergen

1. What are the symptoms I will experience initially when I take Celergen?

The experience differs among individuals. Some will initially feel sleepy, some will experience high metabolic rate and will feel hungry. Some people will also experience constipation. Once our body starts adjusting to Celergen usually after 10 days, you will experience the outstanding benefits of Celergen.

2. Why is it I feel "heaty" after taking Celergen?

Celergen is a protein rich supplement and you will be required to drink lots of water. In addition, our body takes time to adjust to Celergen. If such symptoms still persist, reduce the dosage to alternate days or twice a week. . Naturally, the dosage can be increased gradually when customers begin to feel  ' better  ' and would like to benefit more from the positive results of Celergen.

3. If I experience great discomfort, what should I do?

You should stop Celergen for a day or two and resume afterwards. 

4. I have gastic problems, will Celergen affect me?

If you feel extreme discomfort, just stop for a day or 2 and when you resume, you will experience the positive benefits of Celergen.

5. Can I take 2 tablets instead of 1?

Yes, the dosage can be up to 2 soft gels a day.

6. If I take Celergen after breakfast, it is still effective?

Yes, for consumers with gastric problems, it is better to take after breakfast. It is definitely still effective.     

7. Why do I feel so hungry all the time after taking Celergen, it has caused me to have gastic and heartburn? 

This is the initial process; try to eat more small meals or snacks. This is only temporary.

8. I cannot swallow such a huge tablet. Can I break it and take the liquid in the soft gel?

Consuming Celergen by breaking the casing of the gel to ingest the liquid potentially means that the potency of the product will be reduced. This is because the liquid will then have to bypass our stomach, which is acidic by nature and hence the nutrient absorption cannot be maximized.

9. Why does Celergen cause constipation for me?

It is a protein rich diet and for some people, we need time to adjust. Make sure you drink lots of water. 

For more info, please contact Pui San @+65 9817 8497 or

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