Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Testimonial 26- Breast Cancer

My life fell apart when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was extremely trying because I was also suffering with Ankylosing Spondylitis - a form of chronic inflammation of the spine and the tailbone area.

Due to the excruciating pain and stiffness in and around my spine, I was put on heavy medication daily. And then with Breast Cancer, I had to undergo surgery for my cancer cells and in addition commence on my Chemotherapy and Radiology sessions.

That was not all because I need to be medication for another 5 years.

Though I was cleared of cancer, there wasn't much to celebrate about because my body was constantly in pain. Simple everyday activities that I used to take for granted became a chore. Walking became a burden, getting out of bed became painful and my sleep was elusive as my entire body ached.

One day, a long lost friend introduced me this beautiful product that turned my life around. Since then, I have never stopped talking about Celergen.

After 1 day of Celergen, I realised that I can go about my daily activities without feeling worn out. By day 3, all the aches and pain disappeared completely. It was incredible. Many who knew me were astounded. They were simply awed at my healing.

I would say that Celergen is my Saving Grace.

For more info, please contact Pui San @+65 9817 8497 or

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